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Classification and Qualifications for membership of the Society and the terms of admission.

The Society shall consist of the following classes of membership:

A) Full Member
B) Fellow Member
C) Retired Member
D) Associate Member
E) Student Member

Every person desiring to be admitted as a member of the Society, and properly qualified for admission shall complete an application form and deliver to the Secretary of the Society. Annual Subscription shall be paid in advance and shall then become payable on the date of admission. The amount of annual subscription shall be determined by the Society at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings. The membership is based on every fiscal year which runs from 1st January to 31st December. Renewal of membership is needed except for retired members.

A) Full Member

There are 3 categories:

(i) Certified Prosthetist
(ii) Certified Orthotist
(iii) Certified Prosthetist-Orthotist

Applicants should have passed a certification examination, either on Prosthetics or/and Orthotics [refer to guidelines set by the Certification Board of Hong Kong Society of Certified Prosthetist-Orthotists] after he/she had finished a Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree programme concentrated in Prosthetics or/and Orthotics in Hong Kong or had completed a three-year full-time training and education programme in Prosthetics and Orthotics offered by the Medical and Health Department, or the Hospital Service Department of the Hong Kong Government, or the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong, in or before 1998, or equivalent.

Successful candidate in the Prosthetics Examination will be awarded a certificate of the Society and be entitled to styled the title Certified Prosthetist (Hong Kong) and to use the abbreviated title, CP(HK).

Successful candidate in the Orthotics Examination will be awarded a certificate of the Society and be entitled to style the title Certified Orthotist (Hong Kong) and to use the abbreviated title, CO(HK).

Successful candidate in the Prosthetics and Orthotics Examination will be awarded a certificate of the Society and be entitled to style the title Certified Prosthetist-Orthotist (Hong Kong) and to use the abbreviated title, CPO(HK)

B) Fellow Member

Fellow Member is granted only to a current member who has been a full member for at least 6 consecutive years and who has gained a minimum of 120 CPD credits at the previous CPD triennial. The membership will be revised and re-honored every CPD triennial.

C) Retired Member

Retired Member is a current member who has been a full member for at least 6 consecutive years and is fully retired from profession. Retired Members are exempted from the CPD requirements and the annual subscription fee is waived. Retired Members are not allowed to use the professional title [CPO(HK)/CP(HK)/CO(HK)] and have no voting right.

D) Associate Member

Applicant should have completed a Prosthetics or/and Orthotics Programme recognized by the Society. Associate member will be entitled to use the abbreviation, HKSCPO (Associate). Associate members have no voting right.

E) Student Member

Applicant should be engaged on a Prosthetics or/and Orthotics programme recognized by the Society.
Only Full Member shall be entitled to vote at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings.
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2025 February